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My proctored pharmacology ATI test didn’t go as well as I had hoped for. I think this could be due to the fact that I felt as though I couldn’t concentrate well that day. I also feel like I would have done better on it if I had taken the test the week we originally planned to. I think I would have gotten a better grade because we would have just taken both the practice quizzes and the information would have still been fresh in my head. I know I could have also set myself up better for this ATI test by reviewing my pharmacology ATI practice quiz remediations before the test, which I did not do. In the future, I plan on blocking time to study relevant materials before the tests to help improve my score. 

Attaining and Protecting Your Professional Nursing License

Where (what state/territory) do you intend to become licensed by examination, and is this a Nurse Licensure Compact state?

I intend to become licensed by examination in the state of Maine. I chose to stay in Maine because this state is where I was born and raised. I love the idea of staying here because all of my family lives in northern Maine, and this location would allow for me to be able to go and visit them often. Staying close to my family is important to me as I have 3 very young nieces and nephews, and I want to be close enough where I can still be apart of their lives as they grow up. When doing some research I found that Maine is one of the states that’s on the NLC list. 

2. How is the application completed and submitted (web-based, manual/paper-based, or either), and does the application you are filing require official transcripts, verification sign-off by the director of the program, or both? 

In Maine, there seems to be an option to apply online, which costs $75. It does note that applicants who are applying online must upload a signature page that has a manual signature as electronic signatures will not be accepted. Applicants need to be able to provide proof of legal residency in Maine – including divers license number, voter registration, car registration, tax forms, and validation of residence. Applicants will also need the school to provide a signature on a specific sheet, school certification, criminal background check, and their SSN. 


3. Does the state where you intend to become licensed require criminal background checks and/or fingerprinting? If so, what is the process? 

Yes, all applicants in Maine are required to have a fingerprint-based criminal background check done. All background checks must go through the vendor IdentoGO, and cost $52. On the maine.gov website, it explains that fingerprints will be taken electronically through a Livescan digital fingerprint machine. There are slightly different directions for applicants who are outside Maine applicants, but this does not apply to me. On the website, it also notes that results usually take around 48-72 hours to get back and can be viewed on MSBON. 


4. Reflecting on presentations from the Attorney General’s Office and the Medical Professionals Health Program, consider the following: 

a. Describe any provisions for impaired nurses in the state where you intend to become licensed as described on or linked from the State Board of Nursing website, including any mandatory reporting requirements for suspected impairment, disciplinary measures, and resources for recovery. 

If a nurse would like to send a complaint regarding the unprofessional conduct of a licensed nurse, they are to write a letter with all the information and sufficient details and send it to, Maine State Board of Nursing, 158 State House Station, Augusta, ME o4333-0158. This website page also includes all of the information that should be included in the letter. There is also a whole other page on the maine.gov website that talks about the role of mandated reporting, and what actions should be taken per incident. 


b. Some of the most commonly occurring legal issues that impact nursing and nursing practice relate to informed consent and refusing treatment, licensure, the safeguarding of clients’ personal possessions and valuables, malpractice, negligence, mandatory reporting, abuse, and unsafe practices. How will you protect yourself and your license from these legal issues?

To start, I will be sure to have a strong understanding of my scope of practice. I feel that with a strong understanding of my scope of practice, I will be able to avoid a lot of these legal issues, therefore being able to keep myself and my license safe. I will also be sure to always report any mistakes that I make, even if they are small mistakes. It’s better to report a mistake than to try and keep it a secret and fix it. By reporting a mistake it allows the proper people to take action and assess the situation and apply standards to help prevent the mistake from happening again. I will also be sure to read all guidelines and protocols for the facility that I end up working at to be sure that I am doing everything correctly.

ATI Pharmacology Practice B

Like that last pharmacology ATI practice quiz, I feel like a lot of things went well for me. Like I had mentioned in my last post, I stuck with the same kind of plan that I had formed before. If I didn’t know the answer I would make an educated guess as to what the answer was and then not change my answer afterward. I think this quiz-taking tool is a game-changer for me, as I seem to be getting fewer questions wrong. Going into this quiz, I felt pretty confident as I had already taken the pharmacology adaptive quiz and the practice A quiz. I was also more confident in myself because I knew exactly what to do if I came upon a question that I didn’t know the answer to. This saved me a lot of stress as I use to freak out when there would be multiple questions that I wasn’t sure about. Taking all of these quizzes has helped reduce my quiz/test-taking anxiety and I feel that this will benefit me tremendously when I go to take the NCLEX. This quiz like the last two has shown me which kinds of questions I need to spend more time on when studying for the NCLEX.

ATI Pharmacology Practice A

This ATI practice quiz went well for me. I believe that I am starting to get into the correct flow of taking these quizzes. I find myself reading the questions slower but more efficiently, which has allowed me to make fewer mistakes. I have also decided that if I do not know the correct answer off the top of my head then I will choose the answer that seems most correct, and then not change my answer. I used this method this time when taking this quiz and I found that there were a handful of questions that I was unsure about. But by making a guess and not second-guessing myself, I was able to choose correctly. This quiz like the others helps show me what types of subjects (in this case medications) that I need to spend more time on study. I plan on studying in-depth on the medications that I got wrong on this quiz so that hopefully it will help me when I take the pharm. B quiz. 

Career Development

In class, we watched a fantastic movie called NURSES If Florence Could See Us Now. This movie was truly an inspiring movie that made me extremely excited to be a nurse and to get out into the workplace. Every single nurse in that movie seemed so happy with their choice of becoming a nurse, and they all shared many strong qualities. I hope once I become a nurse, I will be able to look at myself and see the same level of compassion, happiness, and strength that all these nurses showed. This movie has taught me to follow my dreams, even if it can be nerve-racking as it could be the decision of my life. This movie also made me realize that I will never be done learning. Nurses are constantly learning and improving their nursing skills everyday. 

Being able to be prepared for future interviews could help me in a significant way. I love being prepared for all situations, that way I can perform my best. While preparing for each interview, I will make sure to do a lot of research on the facility that I’m applying to. I will make sure to research their mission state, their priorities, and my personal job responsibilities. I feel that it is also just as important to go into the interview process with a few questions of my own. This way I can ask the employers some questions to make sure that their facility would be a good fit for me. I will also be sure to ask the employers question such as, what do they expect from me as an employee? I think it’s extremely important to ask as many questions as I feel needed to gain a good understanding of the facility, that way I can make sure it is a perfect match. 

During the interview process, it will be important for me to be able to talk about both my strengths and weaknesses, as a student nurse. This will allow me to show that I realize that I make mistakes, and that I have things to improve on, but that I willing to make effort in improving. I plan on talking about all the unique skills that I have picked up while at my clinical and also while in all of my simulation labs. I believe that most of these skills will help me stand out from other students. I plan on talking about how the UNE nursing program has taught me to be a fantastic team player, while also being a strong leader when needed. I think these two skills are very crucial when it comes to being a nurse. Like I mentioned before, I will also be able to talk about my weaknesses. But when talking about my weaknesses, I will also be sure to explain how I plan to improve my weaknesses. I think having a plan in order shows that you are mature enough to realize there are things that you can be better at. 

Prepare for Transition

Reflection, self- care and Goal setting

As the end of the school year creeps closer, I’m getting more and more excited about graduating and starting my first job as a licensed nurse. As soon as I graduate, I plan to celebrate with my friends and family, as this was also a long and hard process for them as well, especially during the pandemic. 

This process has been long, but it is worth it. I’m most excited about being able to take all the skills that I have learned over the past four years and apply them every day during my job. I have learned so many amazing skills that will allow me to provide my patients the best care possible and I’m so happy that I will be able to make a difference in people’s lives. Even though I’m extremely excited to graduate and start my career I’m also anxious about finding the right job for me. I feel like a lot of my classmates know what area of nursing they would like to go into, but I on the other hand am unsure. 

To successfully get through this semester, I have set up a plan that helps me stay on track and focused. I have written out in my daily planner what time I need to spend on homework and what time I need to spend on studying. This method has worked well for me in the past, as I never feel like I don’t have enough time to get these things done. 

The ATI nurse logic 2.0 modules were very helpful for me. They provided a variety of questions, which allowed me to see which sections I need to spend more time on and study more. It also showed me which sections I had strong knowledge in, and I will use this information when I’m studying for the NCLEX. That way I will be able to spend my time on topics that I am weaker on.

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